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Jennifer outgrowing her skin at 38 weeks

Jennifer and our friend Andrea, both in the 27th week!

A surprise (no need to worry, it was all good!) ultra sound reveals a picture of her face, hand and body! We also got another private picture, which definitely showed she is a girl!

The third BIG ultrasound on 12.24.01 at 18 weeks. She looks perfect!

Jennifer at 23 Weeks
Jennifer at 23 weeks pregnant on 01.26.02

Watch the Ultrasound Video from 12.24.01:
Video for Dial Up users (56k)
Video for Broadband users (256k)
Must have Real Player to view

Listen to the Heartbeat:
Recorded on 11.12.01
(may take a minute to download on a 28.8)

Jennifer at 18 Weeks
Jennifer at 18 weeks pregnant
(excuse the bad web cam pic)

The second ultrasound on 10.19.01 at 9 weeks. Everything looks perfect at 1.8cm!

The first ultrasound and picture of Little Lowe taken on 10.01.01 at 6 weeks.